Precisely calculate worked hours, overtime, and the amount to pay for overtime using our online calculator. Leave blank the fields you don’t use.
Total Overtime
Total Pay
Using our online calculator, you can easily and accurately obtain worked hours and overtime. Just follow these steps:
Calculating the overtime rate is important to ensure fair compensation for additional work. We can break down the calculation into 2 simple steps, which we explain below:
Conceptually, the value of an overtime hour is the value of a regular hour with a percentage surcharge. To calculate the overtime rate, first, calculate the regular hourly rate. This is done by dividing the base salary by the number of regular hours agreed in the contract. For example:
If your salary is $4000 and you work 160 hours a month, then the regular hourly rate is calculated as: $4000 / 160 = $25
If your salary is $1000 and you work 40 hours a week, then the regular hourly rate is calculated as: $1000 / 40 = $25
Labor laws set a percentage surcharge for overtime, which varies by country. Generally, a 50% increase over the regular hourly rate is applied for each overtime hour worked.
Assuming the surcharge is 50% and using the regular hourly rate calculated in the previous example, the rate for each overtime hour would be:
Use our worked and overtime hours calculator to simplify these calculations and ensure you are receiving the correct compensation for your extra work time. Remember that labor regulations may vary, so always check the current legislation in your region.