Age Calculator - Find Out How Old You Are

Easily calculate a person's age from their date of birth with our chronological age calculator. Discover their exact age in years, months, and days effortlessly.

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What is chronological age?

Chronological age is the time elapsed since our birth until today (or another measurement date). In other words, it is the number of years, months, and days we have lived on the planet. Currently, chronological age is used as the standard metric to assess the aging level of an individual in an ecosystem or population. This measurement method is applicable to any living being, as it uses time, a universal unit, as a reference.

How is a person's age calculated?

A person's exact chronological age is calculated by subtracting their date of birth from a measurement date (today or another date). Since time is measured in years, months, and days, this operation is not trivial to solve. That's why we provide this online calculator so you can quickly and easily know your age.

How to calculate an Age in Excel

Calculating an age using Microsoft Excel can be useful for tracking, analysis, or reports that require this information. Below, I present a simple method to obtain age in years, months, and days from a date of birth:

Formula to calculate age in Excel

In an Excel cell, you can use the following formula to calculate chronological age from the date of birth: =DATEDIF(Date_of_Birth; TODAY(); "Y") & " years, " & DATEDIF(Date_of_Birth; TODAY(); "YM") & " months, " & DATEDIF(Date_of_Birth; TODAY(); "MD") & " days"

Replace "Date_of_Birth" with the reference to the cell containing the individual's date of birth. This formula uses Excel's DATEDIF function to calculate the difference between the date of birth and the current date (TODAY()), providing the age in years, months, and days as a text string.

Example of using the formula

Let's assume the date of birth is in cell A2. The formula would look like this: =DATEDIF(A2; TODAY(); "Y") & " years, " & DATEDIF(A2; TODAY(); "YM") & " months, " & DATEDIF(A2; TODAY(); "MD") & " days"

By entering this formula in an Excel cell, it will display the person's age in years, months, and days, using the current date for calculation. Using this formula will allow you to obtain chronological age quickly and accurately in Microsoft Excel for any date of birth.

What is the difference between biological age and chronological age?

As mentioned in the previous question, chronological age uses time (the same for everyone) as the base unit to measure a person's aging level. In contrast, biological age uses the state of wear and tear of the individual's body as the base unit to establish their aging level. This allows two people with the same chronological age to have different biological ages. The difference in biological ages is due to the genetics of each individual, which defines the aging rate of each organ in our body.