Grade Scale Generator

Generate your personalized grade scale. Adjust the level of requirement to 50, 60, or another value, the passing grade, and get a tailored score and grading table. Use a dot as a decimal separator.

Configure Scale

Invalid score.
Invalid requirement.
Invalid minimum grade.
Invalid maximum grade.
Invalid passing grade.
Invalid increment.

Score Table

Score Grade
Score Grade
Score Grade
Score Grade

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How the Grade Scale Generator Works

The grade scale generator is a versatile tool that facilitates the conversion of scores into grades within a specific grading system.

Maximum Score:

The "Maximum Score" represents the highest achievable score in an assessment.

Passing Requirement:

The "Passing Requirement" is the percentage of the maximum score that is considered necessary to pass an assessment.

Minimum Grade:

The "Minimum Grade" is the lowest value a student can achieve in an assessment.

Maximum Grade:

The "Maximum Grade" is the highest value a student can achieve in an assessment.

Passing Grade:

The "Passing Grade" is the minimum rating required for a student to pass an assessment.


The "Increment" represents the value by which the score increases in each interval of the grade scale.

By adjusting these variables and running the grade scale generator, you will obtain a table that shows how scores are related to grades.

Defining the Level of Passing Requirement

The "Passing Requirement" is defined as the percentage of the maximum score required to pass an assessment.

How to Generate a Grade Scale in Excel

Creating a grade scale in an Excel spreadsheet is a straightforward process that involves creating a table that relates scores to corresponding grades.

  1. Create a column for "Scores" and another for "Grades."
  2. Define the range of scores you want to include in your scale.
  3. Use the following Excel formula to calculate the grades corresponding to each score.
=IF(A2 >= PassingRequirement * MaximumScore, MaximumGrade, IF(A2 <= MinimumScore, MinimumGrade, ((A2 - PassingRequirement * MaximumScore) / (MaximumScore - PassingRequirement * MaximumScore)) * (MaximumGrade - PassingGrade) + PassingGrade))

Make sure to replace "A2" with the cell containing the score you want to evaluate and "PassingRequirement," "MaximumScore," "MinimumScore," "MinimumGrade," "MaximumGrade," and "PassingGrade" with the corresponding cells or values in your Excel sheet. This formula will automatically calculate the grades based on the set requirements and other variables.