Calculate Days Between Dates | Date Calculator

Find the number of calendar and business days between two dates or since a date. Count working days, calendar days, weeks, months, and years effortlessly.

Invalid start date.
Invalid end date.
End date must be greater than start date.

Calendar Days:

Business Days (Mon-Fri):

Business Days (Mon-Sat):




How many days have passed since:

With this days calculator, you can easily calculate how many days have passed since any specific date. Simply enter the target date in the "start date" field and today's date in the "end date" field. Below, we list some examples of how many days have passed since popular dates:

  • Start of the month: 12 days have passed
  • Start of the year: 43 days have passed
  • Last Christmas: 50 days have passed

How many days until:

With this days calculator, you can easily calculate how many days are left until any specific date. Simply enter today's date in the "start date" field and the target date in the "end date" field. Below are some examples of how many days are left until popular dates:

  • Christmas: Remaining 315 days
  • New Year's Eve: Remaining 321 days
  • End of the month: Remaining 15 days
  • FIFA World Cup 2026: Remaining 480 days
  • Halloween: Remaining 260 days
  • Valentine's Day: Remaining 1 days

Calculate how many days there are between two dates using Excel

To calculate the days between two dates using Excel, you can use the formula =DATEDIF(start_date, end_date, "d"), where:

  • start_date: corresponds to the cell containing the start date of the interval.
  • end_date: corresponds to the cell containing the end date of the interval.
  • "d": is the argument that specifies the unit in which you want to get the difference (in this case, days).

For example, if the start date is in cell A2 and the end date is in cell B2, you can use the DATEDIF function in cell C2 as follows: =DATEDIF(A2, B2, "d"), obtaining the number of days between both dates quickly and easily.

Difference Between Calendar Days and Business Days

The difference between calendar days and business days lies in how days are counted. Calendar days include all days, whether they are workdays or not, while business days exclude weekends and consider only workdays.

Calendar Days: These include all days between two dates, regardless of whether they are workdays or not. For example, the difference in calendar days between January 1 and January 5 is 4 days, including the weekend.

Business Days: These exclude weekend days (Saturday and/or Sunday) and consider only workdays. For example, from Monday to Sunday, only 5 or 6 business days are considered per week, depending on whether you need to include Saturday as a business day.

How many business days does a month have?

In general terms, a month can have between 20 and 22 business days, depending on the number of business days in a week and the presence of holidays. For a more precise answer, I would need to know the specific year, as holidays can vary from year to year.

However, I can provide you with a more general answer:

  • If we take an average month, considering a week of five business days and excluding holidays, we could estimate that there are around 20 business days in a month.
  • To calculate business days, you can subtract weekends and holidays from the total days in a month.

Remember, this is a general estimate and may vary depending on the specific circumstances of each month and year. For a precise and up-to-date answer, I would recommend consulting a specific work calendar for the given year.

How many business days does a year have?

In general, a year has between 260 and 262 business days, considering a standard five-day workweek. However, determining the exact number of business days in a year can become more complicated due to variations in the length of months, the presence of holidays, and the distribution of weekends.

  • If we take an average year with 52 weeks, considering five business days per week, we would have around 260 business days in a year.
  • For a more precise answer, we would need to subtract non-working days, such as weekends and specific holidays of that year.
  • Additionally, some countries or regions may have mobile holidays, meaning the number of business days can vary.

In summary, the exact figure will vary depending on the year and specific location. If you need a more precise answer, I would recommend consulting a work calendar specific to your area and year in question.

Practical Applications of Counting Days in the Real World

This date difference calculator has practical applications in various real-world situations:

  • Project Planning: In project management, it is essential to know the number of days available between key dates, and specific holidays are often excluded.
  • Human Resources: Companies use this calculator to manage employee leaves and permissions, taking into account business days and, if necessary, excluding holidays.
  • Event Scheduling: Event organizers need to calculate the number of days between the start of planning and the event date itself, considering holidays if relevant.
  • Accounting and Finance: In the financial sector, it is used to calculate accrued interest or the duration of investments, considering business days and excluding holidays if required.
  • Legal Deadline Tracking: In the legal field, it is used to determine legal deadlines, such as the time available to file court documents, and specific holidays can be excluded if necessary.

The date difference calculator is a versatile tool that caters to the specific needs of various situations and fields, including the exclusion of holidays when necessary.